Year 7

Exploring Prospero's power over Caliban in Shakespeare's 'The Tempest'

I can analyse the ways in which Prospero exerts his power over Caliban in Shakespeare’s ‘The Tempest’ and how this might relate to ideas of colonialism.

Year 7

Exploring Prospero's power over Caliban in Shakespeare's 'The Tempest'

I can analyse the ways in which Prospero exerts his power over Caliban in Shakespeare’s ‘The Tempest’ and how this might relate to ideas of colonialism.

Lesson details

Key learning points

  1. Prospero repeatedly calls Caliban his slave, emphasising Caliban’s inferiority.
  2. Prospero rules Caliban through fear.
  3. ‘The Tempest’ is considered by many scholars to be a comment on colonialism.
  4. Caliban could be considered representative of indigenous people controlled by colonists.

Common misconception

That characters are only meant to be read as themselves.

Often in literature, the characters are the writer's way of commenting on something happening in the world.


  • Representative - Being representative of something means being an example.

  • Superior - Being superior means being higher in rank, status, or quality.

  • Inferior - Being inferior means being lower in rank, status, or quality.

  • Power - Having power means being able to control people or events.

You could offer the pupils some critical readings of 'The Tempest' and colonialism to further their knowledge.
Teacher tip


You may want a copy of Shakespeare's 'The Tempest' for this lesson.

Content guidance

  • Depiction or discussion of discriminatory behaviour
  • Depiction or discussion of peer pressure or bullying
  • Depiction or discussion of violence or suffering


Adult supervision recommended


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6 Questions

If someone repeats something, what are they trying to show about what they have said?
that it's not important
Correct answer: that you should try to remember it
that they've forgotten it
Britain used to control many other countries. This was known as the British .
Correct answer: Empire
If you are able to control someone else then you are said to have over them.
Correct Answer: power, Power
If someone has power over you then it means their status is .
Correct answer: superior
the same as yours
Why might someone compare an experience to something else when describing it?
to make it harder for you to understand
Correct answer: to make it easier for you to picture the experience
to add more importance to their description
What is the purpose of threatening someone?
Correct answer: to make them scared of you
to make them like you
to make them angry at you

6 Questions

If someone has an inferior position then it means they are .
higher in status or rank
Correct answer: lower in status or rank
equal in status or rank
In Shakespeare's 'The Tempest', which two of the following does Prospero threaten Caliban with?
Correct answer: cramps
Correct answer: being pinched
Why does Prospero repeat that Caliban is his 'slave' six times in Act 1, Scene 2 of 'The Tempest'?
because otherwise he'd forget
to emphasise Caliban's superiority
Correct answer: to emphasise his power
In 'The Tempest' Prospero's threats towards Caliban would make him feel .
warmly towards Prospero
jealous of Prospero
Correct answer: afraid of Prospero
Colonialism is .
the process of making new laws
Correct answer: the process of taking control of another country
the process of trading with another country
Which two of the following are reasons why 'The Tempest' has been read as a comment on colonialism?
Correct answer: Prospero arrives on the island and takes control.
Prospero is banished from his own country.
Correct answer: Prospero enslaves Caliban.
Prospero is a controlling character.