Year 7

Revising the theme of inequality in Shakespeare's 'The Tempest'

I can explore how the theme of inequality is presented throughout the play.

Year 7

Revising the theme of inequality in Shakespeare's 'The Tempest'

I can explore how the theme of inequality is presented throughout the play.

Lesson details

Key learning points

  1. Inequality is the unfair situation where some people have more opportunities, money, or power than others.
  2. People in Shakespearean times faced inequality because of their race, gender and religion.
  3. Arguably, Ariel, Caliban and Miranda face inequality in ‘The Tempest’.
  4. Shakespeare arguably links colonialism with inequality.

Common misconception

Characters in literature are just there to create a good story.

Characters in literature often represent things bigger than themselves such as colonialism or gender inequality.


  • Unequal - Being treated unequally means being treated unfairly and differently to others.

  • Colonialism - Colonialism is the process of taking control over another country and exploiting it economically.

  • Enslave - When you enslave someone, you consider them your property and force them to obey you.

  • Power - Having power means being able to control events or people.

You could potentially extend the discussion on inequality in literature by asking the students to reflect on books they have read in class or recently that deal with inequality.
Teacher tip


You may want a copy of Shakespeare's 'The Tempest' for this lesson.

Content guidance

  • Depiction or discussion of discriminatory behaviour


Adult supervision recommended


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6 Questions

In Shakespeare's 'The Tempest', Prospero forces Ariel and Caliban to serve and obey him. Which of the three characters has the most power?
Correct answer: Prospero
In Shakespeare's 'The Tempest', which of these characters was born on the island?
Correct answer: Caliban
Having power means...
being jealous of people
Correct answer: being able to control events or people
being unable to control events or people
If someone considers someone else their property and forces them to obey them then they have them.
Correct Answer: enslaved, Enslaved
What does being indigenous mean?
Having power over someone.
Correct answer: Being the first known inhabitant of a place.
Arriving in a new place and exploiting its resources.
Stereotypically, how did patriarchal societys think women should behave?
They should be ambitious.
Correct answer: They should be obedient.
They should be argumentative.

6 Questions

Inequality is...
a fair situation
Correct answer: an unfair situation
an equal situation
Which of the following characters from Shakespeare's 'The Tempest' face inequality?
Correct answer: Ariel
Correct answer: Caliban
Which of the following were true of Shakespeare's time?
Correct answer: Slavery was legal.
Slavery was illegal.
People were allowed religious freedom.
Correct answer: People were persecuted for their religious beliefs.
What does Ariel ask Prospero for in Act 1, Scene 2 of 'The Tempest'?
Correct answer: their freedom
for less hard work
for Prospero to speak kindly to them
Which of the following could married women not do in Shakespeare's time?
ride horses
have friends
Correct answer: own property
In Shakespeare's 'The Tempest', what does Prospero calling Miranda his "gift" to Ferdinand suggest?
that Miranda is expensive
that he really likes Ferdinand
Correct answer: that Miranda is his property to give away