Year 10

Exploring the presentation of 1980s Britain in Winsome Pinnock’s ‘Leave Taking’

I can explore Scene Two of ‘Leave Taking’, with a focus on how Pinnock presents 1980s Britain.

Year 10

Exploring the presentation of 1980s Britain in Winsome Pinnock’s ‘Leave Taking’

I can explore Scene Two of ‘Leave Taking’, with a focus on how Pinnock presents 1980s Britain.

Lesson details

Key learning points

  1. Scene Two of ‘Leave Taking’ explores examples of racism present in 1980s Britain.
  2. Some examples of racism explored are presented as systemic (for example the Eurocentric education system).
  3. Other examples of racial discrimination are explored on an individual basis.
  4. Brod, Enid and Del react to the discrimination they face differently.
  5. Despite their conflict, Enid and Del share some common characteristics.

Common misconception

Enid doesn't think England is racist.

Enid is very private about her views: we see only her reaction to the discrimination she faces. Consider if her dialogue reveals more.


  • Discrimination - Unjust treatment of people based on certain characteristics. For example, race, gender, age.

  • Racism - Discrimination against people based on their race or ethnicity.

  • Eurocentric - When there is a focus on European culture or history, ignoring or excluding cultures and history from the wider world.

  • Nanny of the Maroons - 18th century leader of the Jamaican Maroons; led formerly enslaved Africans against British colonialists.

In learning cycle 2, consider the adjectives chosen to describe Enid and Del. Are they the ones that would most speak to your class, given you have already started to explore these characters?
Teacher tip


You need access to a copy of Winsome Pinnock's 'Leave Taking' published by Nick Hern Books.

Content guidance

  • Contains strong language
  • Depiction or discussion of discriminatory behaviour


Adult supervision recommended


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6 Questions

'Leave Taking' includes a number of characters who migrated to Britain from Jamaica. Why was there a mass migration movement to Britain after World War Two?
Britain's welcoming attitude towards migrants
the voyage to Britain was cheap and luxurious
Correct answer: Jamaica's economy was still suffering after centuries of colonisation
Britain's post war prosperity
Correct answer: employment - there was a post war labour shortage
In Scene Two of 'Leave Taking', Enid says that there are no opportunities in Jamaica. What reason does Brod give for this?
supernatural reasons
Correct answer: continuing effects of colonialism
poor climate
mass migration
In Scene Two of 'Leave Taking', why does Brod say he keeps his Jamaican passport up to date?
he wants to go on holiday to Jamaica
he was told to by Enid
Correct answer: he is shaken by his recent experience with the Home Office
it is a legal requirement to have a passport
In Scene One of 'Leave Taking', Enid tells Mai that she sends letters to her family in Jamaica telling them 'how things are over here'.
Correct Answer: hard, Hard, hard., Hard., 'hard'
Pinnock, in her introduction to 'Leave Taking', writes of her parents, 'My parents' generation had been by a colonialist education that lionised [celebrated] all things British'.
Correct Answer: indoctrinated, Indoctrinated, indoctrinated., Indoctrinated., 'indoctrinated'.
Pinnock's introduction to 'Leave Taking', reveals, 'Despite their [her parents] disappointment on entering a country that was often hostile [...] they didn't complain and rarely discussed the .'
Correct Answer: hardships, Hardships, hardships., Hardships., 'hardships'

6 Questions

In Scene Two of 'Leave Taking', what does Del reveal happened to Enid at a staff party Enid attended?
Enid was sick
Enid wasn't actually invited
Someone called Enid a racist name at the party
Correct answer: Enid was instructed to clean the sick up of her colleagues
In Scene Two of 'Leave Taking', why does Enid slap Del?
because she lost her job
because she went out dancing
because she is rude to Brod
because she suspects she is pregnant
Correct answer: because she says it is her mother's fault their father left
In Scene Two of 'Leave Taking', Del complains that her mother bows and scrapes to her ' England.'
Correct Answer: beloved, Beloved, beloved, beloved., 'beloved'
In Scene Two of 'Leave Taking', Del says she thinks her mother is blind to some of the racism in Britain. She says, 'You don't see the police vans us down.'
Correct Answer: hunting, 'hunting', hunting., Hunting., hunting.
In Scene Two of 'Leave Taking', Brod speaks of a friend of his who was the target of a racist attack. He says after the attack, 'Gullyman heart '.
Correct Answer: brock, Brock, brock., Brock., broke
In Scene Two of 'Leave Taking', Enid expresses how she thinks you should conduct yourself in Britain. She says, 'You come over here, you try to fit in. to the rules.'
Correct Answer: Stick, stick, stick., Stick., 'stick'