Year 10

Comparing Romantic Poets' Attitudes to Nature

I can draw interesting comparisons between two Romantic poems.

Year 10

Comparing Romantic Poets' Attitudes to Nature

I can draw interesting comparisons between two Romantic poems.

Lesson details

Key learning points

  1. The poems that you choose to compare should both be linked to the focus and nuances of the question you are asked.
  2. Focus your introduction and topic sentences on connections and contrasts between ideas, not devices.
  3. Reference poetic devices and draw attention to them, not simply the literary.
  4. You can use poetic devices and ideas about form and structure to help support your topic sentences.

Common misconception

All Romantic poems from the anthology are equally comparable.

Some Romantic poems are more suitable for comparison, depending on which question you are asked.


  • Transcendental - being beyond ordinary human experience, thought or belief

  • Omnipotence - having unlimited or very great power

  • Existential - relating to human existence or being alive

Explore which question may encourage a comparison between 'London' and 'Extract from The Prelude'.
Teacher tip


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6 Questions

Match the quote to the correct poem.
Correct Answer:'Ozymandias',''Look on my works, ye Mighty and Despair''

''Look on my works, ye Mighty and Despair''

Correct Answer:'London',''Chartered street...chartered Thames''

''Chartered street...chartered Thames''

Correct Answer:'Extract from The Prelude',''Mighty forms that do not live like living men''

''Mighty forms that do not live like living men''

Which movement do Shelley, Blake and Wordsworth belong to?
Correct answer: Romantic
Match the poem to the correct form.
Correct Answer:'Ozymandias',Sonnet


Correct Answer:'London',Dramatic monologue

Dramatic monologue

Correct Answer:'Extract from the Prelude',Epic poem

Epic poem

How does each Romantic poem depict human power?
Correct Answer:'Ozymandias',tyrannical leader

tyrannical leader

Correct Answer:'London',oppressive institutions

oppressive institutions

Correct Answer:'Extract from the Prelude',childish arrogance

childish arrogance

What do 'Ozymandias', 'London' and 'Extract from the Prelude' have in common?
They all seem to worship nature
Correct answer: They all seem to criticise or mock human power or control
They all seem to celebrate the individual
Match the beginning of each sentence to the appropriate end to create comparative statements.
Correct Answer:Both 'Ozymandias',and 'London' explore oppressive institutional power.

and 'London' explore oppressive institutional power.

Correct Answer:Both 'Extract from the Prelude' ,and 'Ozymandias' explore the dominance of nature over mankind.

and 'Ozymandias' explore the dominance of nature over mankind.

Correct Answer:Both 'Extract from the Prelude',and 'Ozymandias' explore human pride.

and 'Ozymandias' explore human pride.

6 Questions

When choosing which two poems to compare, what is the most important thing you should you consider?
which era they were written in
Correct answer: the focus and nuances of the question
if the poet's had similar beliefs
Which Romantic poems focus on the power of nature over mankind?
'Ozymandias' and 'London'
'London' and 'Extract from The Prelude'
Correct answer: 'Ozymandias' and 'Extract from The Prelude'
Which Romantic poems focus on oppressive institutions?
Correct answer: 'Ozymandias' and 'London'
'Ozymandias' and 'Extract from The Prelude'
'Londn' and 'Extract from The Prelude'
Which quote from 'Ozymandias' below can be linked with "to reach a chosen point. With an unswerving line..." taken from 'Extract from The Prelude' ?
''colossal wreck''
Correct answer: ''Look on my works, ye Mghty, and despair''
''boundless and bare the lone and level sands stretch far away''
'Ozymandias' explores the __________ quality of nature's power, whereas 'Extract from The Prelude' focuses on __________ quality of nature.
transcendental, everlasting
Correct answer: everlasting, transcendental
ephemeral, transcendental
transcendental, ephemeral
Which structural element of 'Extract from The Prelude' can you use to support the idea that man is overwhelmed with the transcendental quality of nature?
iambic pentameter gives the poem a consistent pace
Correct answer: enjambment shows man getting breathless trying to articulate nature's brilliance
chronological order shows his journey