Year 10

Understanding the poem 'Remains'

I can explain how Armitage comments on the traumatic effects of war in ‘Remains’.

Year 10

Understanding the poem 'Remains'

I can explain how Armitage comments on the traumatic effects of war in ‘Remains’.

Lesson details

Key learning points

  1. The poem’s title may reflect the long-lasting unpleasant effects of war.
  2. In ‘Remains', Armitage explores the PTSD and other disorders that many veterans deal with.
  3. The poem is taken from a collection called ‘The Not Dead’, based on interviews with soldiers from Iraq and Gulf Wars.
  4. The speaker’s battle with PTSD may reflect the long-term effects of conflict that are left unnoticed by society.

Common misconception

War links to conflict solely due to the violence and brutality between opposing sides whilst fighting.

War can also link to mental conflict long after the fighting is done as we see in Armitage's poem.


  • Trauma - the emotional response to a deeply distressing or disturbing experience

  • Veteran - an ex-member of the armed forces

  • Aftermath - the consequences of a significant unpleasant event

  • Atrocities - extremely violent acts

Sharing with pupils what you liked/disliked/noticed about the poem after the second read through in learning cycle 1 may help them feel comfortable expressing their authentic feelings.
Teacher tip


You will need a copy of the AQA Power & Conflict Poetry Anthology for GCSE.

Content guidance

  • Depiction or discussion of sensitive content
  • Depiction or discussion of violence or suffering


Adult supervision recommended


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6 Questions

If something 'remains' with you what might that mean?
Correct answer: it stays with you
it leaves you
you own it
If war imagery is described as 'graphic' that means...
it's described in a vague manner
it's described in a detailed manner
Correct answer: it's described in a violent manner
What does the word 'atrocity' mean?
Correct answer: an extremely violent act
a justified act of violence
an extremely moral act
What is a looter?
a civilian caught up in army crossfire
a special officer in the army
Correct answer: a person who thieves goods, typically during a war or riot
The word 'ambiguous' means..
Correct answer: unclear or vague
detailed or specific
thoughtful or kind
Internal conflict is...
Correct answer: Conflict a person has within themselves
Conflict a person has within their family unit
Conflict only a soldier in a war would understand

6 Questions

The emotional response to a deeply distressing or disturbing experience is known as...
Correct Answer: trauma
'Remains' focuses not on the act of war but on the of war.
Correct Answer: aftermath
Who does the speaker in 'Remains' described in the poem?
a civilian
Correct answer: a looter
a child
In the poem ‘Remains’, Armitage highlights…
the sacrifice soldiers make in war
Correct answer: the lasting emotional effects of war
the way war effects loved ones
What is it suggest that the soldier in 'Remains' is suffering from?
Correct Answer: PTSD, post traumatic stress disorder, post-traumatic stress disorder
The documentary Simon Armitage wrote about veterans from the Iraq and Gulf Wards was called...
Correct answer: The Not Dead
The Lost Dead
The Not Alive