Year 10

Analysing the poem 'England in 1819'

I can explain how Shelley uses language, structure and form to express his viewpoint.

Year 10

Analysing the poem 'England in 1819'

I can explain how Shelley uses language, structure and form to express his viewpoint.

Lesson details

Key learning points

  1. Shelley may have used figurative language to expose the parasitic nature of the monarchy.
  2. Shelley could have used plosive sounds throughout the poem to emphasise the suffering of ordinary people.
  3. Arguably, Shelley’s use of enjambment references the continuation of the people’s suffering.
  4. Shelley’s non-conformity to the sonnet form may link to his revolutionary call for change.

Common misconception

That enjambment simply creates flow in a poem.

Enjambment usually links to the conceptual continuation of an idea of theme within the poem.


  • Plosive - sounds articulated with an abrupt release of air like "p," "b" or "t"

  • Figurative language - uses words and ideas to suggest meaning that is not literally true

  • Euphony - using soft vowels or consonants, to create a pleasing sound

  • Revolutionary - involving or causing a complete or dramatic change

  • Sonnet - a poetic form consisting of 14 lines, written in iambic pentameter, typically on the topic of love

To consolidate ideas around plosive sounds, you could ask the students to say them aloud or ask them to find synonyms that don't begin with a plosive sound and see how that changes their reading of the poem.
Teacher tip

Content guidance

  • Depiction or discussion of discriminatory behaviour
  • Depiction or discussion of violence or suffering


Adult supervision recommended


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6 Questions

Words such as "glorious" and "illuminate" create tone.
Correct answer: an optimistic
a pessimistic
a neutral
The continuation of a sentence beyond the end of a line, stanza or couplet is...
Correct Answer: enjambment
A pause or a break in a line of verse, often marked by punctuation is a...
Correct Answer: caesura
Words and ideas which are used to suggest meaning that is not literally true is language.
Correct Answer: figurative
What does the phrase "his name is mud" suggest?
Correct answer: They have been disgraced.
They have been engaged in criminal activity.
They have been engaged in charitable activity.
They are environmentally conscious.
A volta is...
Correct answer: the turn of thought or argument in the sonnet form
an invented perspective or speaker used by a writer
expressing personal emotions or feelings in a poetic, musical way

6 Questions

A sonnet is...
Correct answer: a poetic form consisting of 14 lines
a poem in the form of a speech or narrative by an imagined person
a reflective poem that laments the loss of someone or something
Calling someone 'revolutionary' means they...
Correct answer: desire dramatic change
desire to maintain the status quo
desire to have power themselves
In 'England in 1819' Shelley used the metaphor "mud from a __________" to refer to the need for a change in institutional power.
Correct answer: "muddy spring"
"polluted spring"
"fresh spring"
The volta in 'England in 1819' offers a turning point because...
Correct answer: it shows an optimistic tone
it shows a pessimistic tone
it shows a violent tone
Plosive sounds are made by blocking the flow of air as it leaves the body therefore we might associate them with...
Correct answer: violence
In 'England in 1819' Shelley may have used euphonic sounds in order to...
show the pleasing nature of the monarchy
Correct answer: show the deceptive nature of the monarchy
show the ambitious nature of the monarchy