Year 10

Understanding the poem 'England in 1819'

I can explain how Shelley presents powerful institutions.

Year 10

Understanding the poem 'England in 1819'

I can explain how Shelley presents powerful institutions.

Lesson details

Key learning points

  1. ‘England in 1819’ is arguably a criticism of powerful institutions who are blind to the suffering of ordinary folk.
  2. The Peterloo Massacre happened in England in 1819.
  3. The Peterloo Massacre happened at a protest demanding the reform of parliamentary representation.
  4. Arguably, Shelley criticises the monarchy, the Church and parliament for not acting in the people’s best interests.

Common misconception

That Romantic poets were purely concerned with nature.

While nature is a prominent theme of many Romantic poems, Romantics were also social revolutionaries who criticised institutions such as the monarchy and the Church.


  • Institution - an established organisation or corporation (such as a bank or university) often for use by the public

  • Monarchy - the system of having a king or queen

  • Critical - expressing adverse or disapproving comments or judgements

  • Romanticism - a poetic movement from the late 18th and early 19th century, focused on emotions and nature

It might be beneficial to spend a bit more time defining Romanticism if it is an unfamiliar term to your students.
Teacher tip

Content guidance

  • Depiction or discussion of violence or suffering


Adult supervision recommended


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6 Questions

To be critical of something is to...
say positive things
Correct answer: say negative things
have no opinion
The word 'despise' means...
Correct answer: to feel strong dislike
to feel mild dislike
to feel neutral
Describing an opportunity as 'golden' implies...
Correct answer: it's likely to be successful
it's likely to be risky
it's likely to be unsuccessful
If something is 'sealed' then it is...
Correct answer: inaccessible
When did the Romantic movement originate?
Correct answer: late 18th century
late 19th century
late 20th century
Describing someone as a 'leech' implies...
Correct answer: they cling to others for personal gain
they are charitable and give back to others
they are well liked and beloved
they are ambitious

6 Questions

Monarchy is the system of...
having an elected head of state
Correct answer: having a King or Queen
being run by the people
An established organisation or corporation often used by the public is an...
Correct Answer: institution
'Sanguine' can mean which of the following two things.
Correct answer: optimistic
Correct answer: blood-red
pale red
The idea of the monarchy not "know[ing]" could imply which of the following two things in 'England in 1819'?
Correct answer: They are unaware of the people's suffering.
Correct answer: They cannot relate to the people's suffering.
They are responsible for the people's suffering.
The Peterloo Massacre began as a demonstration for..
Correct answer: parliamentary reform
abolition of the monarchy
religious reform
Shelley likely evokes the Peterloo Massacre in 'England in 1819' because .
Correct answer: it showed abuse at the hands of those in power
it showed people rising up in revolutionary spirit
it showed the lack of empathy and charity from the Church