Year 10

Understanding the poem 'Name Journeys'

I can understand how Mundair presents the concept of identity and migration.

Year 10

Understanding the poem 'Name Journeys'

I can understand how Mundair presents the concept of identity and migration.

Lesson details

Key learning points

  1. Mundair evokes the Hindu deities of Rama and Sita - possibly to emphasise the themes of isolation and mistrust.
  2. Mundair implies that heritage is inseparable from the concept of self and identity.
  3. Mundair suggests that language is a physical part of who we are that nourishes and sustains us.
  4. ‘Name Journeys’ implies that the speaker felt their language was forcibly removed when they arrived in the UK.
  5. Arguably, the ending of the poem implies that minority voices and their heritage are drowned out in the UK.

Common misconception

Evoking ideas of deities always means that something is positive and divine.

While evoking deities can confer notions of divinity, we also need to consider the story behind the deity and how that story can add meaning to the narrative.


  • Migration - movement of a person or people from one country, locality, place of residence, etc.

  • Deity - a god or goddess

  • Interlaced - to join different parts together to make a whole

  • Heritage - the history, traditions, practices, etc. of a particular country, society

  • Conceptual - based on ideas or principles

You might like to spend more time considering Hinduism and India if this is something unfamiliar to the students.
Teacher tip

Content guidance

  • Depiction or discussion of sensitive content


Adult supervision recommended


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6 Questions

The journey of a person or people from one country, locality, place of residence, etc., to settle in another is called ...
Correct answer: migration
Describing something as a 'void' means?
Correct answer: It's empty.
It's full.
It's valuable.
It's satisfying.
'Dislodged' means...
Correct answer: knock or force out of position
fixed or fastened so as not to give way
to restore to a good condition
The history, traditions, practices, etc. of a particular country, society is its...
Correct Answer: heritage
The 'wilderness' evokes ideas of which two of the following?
Correct answer: isolation
Correct answer: danger
To chasten means...
Correct answer: to correct by punishment or suffering
to accept someone for who they are
to become angry at someone
to praise someone for their achievements

6 Questions

To be interlaced means...
Correct answer: to join different parts together to make a whole
to separate different parts to make fragments of a whole
to take something apart in order to restore it
A deity means...
an ordinay person
Correct answer: a god or goddess
a morality tale
An environment where a person encounters beliefs that reflect and reinforce their own is known as an...
Correct Answer: echo chamber
The story of Rama relates to the speaker of Mundair's 'Name Journeys' because...
Correct answer: it evokes a sense of isolation
it evokes a sense of righteousness
it evokes a sense of belonging
The story of Sita relates to the speaker of Mundair's 'Name Journeys' because...
Correct answer: it evokes a sense of judgement
it evokes a sense of punishment
it evokes a sense of heritage
The final couplet of Mundair's 'Name Journeys' implies...
the speaker will be able to celebrate their heritage in the UK
Correct answer: the speaker is expected to forget her heritage in the UK
the speaker intends to leave the UK and return to India