Year 10

Understanding the poem 'On an Afternoon Train from Purley to Victoria, 1955'

I can understand how Berry presents ideas of connection and difference.

Year 10

Understanding the poem 'On an Afternoon Train from Purley to Victoria, 1955'

I can understand how Berry presents ideas of connection and difference.

Lesson details

Key learning points

  1. The image of the train in the title could symbolise ideas of journeys, growth, and progress.
  2. The specific use of a Quaker to make an ignorant mistake could be Berry’s way of saying we all make mistakes.
  3. Potentially, the title could symbolise how we are all ultimately journeying around the same place: Earth.
  4. Berry’s work often explores the experiences of Caribbean migrants.

Common misconception

That a journey is always a physical undertaking.

While many journeys are physical undertakings, you can also take a personal or spiritual journey towards improvement and growth.


  • Migrant - a person who moves from one place to another, predominantly to find work or better living conditions

  • Ignorance - lack of knowledge or information

  • Quaker - a member of the Religious Society of Friends and devoted to peaceful principles

  • Symbolism - the use of a symbol, which can be a word or an image, to communicate a distinct idea

  • Inference - a guess that you make or an opinion that you form based on the information that you have

You might like to spend more time on concepts such as Windrush generation and migration if this is something unfamiliar to your students.
Teacher tip


You will need a copy of the AQA Worlds and Lives anthology for GCSE.

Content guidance

  • Depiction or discussion of discriminatory behaviour
  • Depiction or discussion of sensitive content


Adult supervision recommended


This content is © Oak National Academy Limited (2024), licensed on Open Government Licence version 3.0 except where otherwise stated. See Oak's terms & conditions (Collection 2).


6 Questions

Which of the following is the definition of a metaphor?
Correct answer: a figure of speech that involves comparing two things using the verb "to be"
words that imitate that imitate the natural sound associated with their meaning
sounds articulated with an abrupt release of air like "p," "b" or "t"
Where is Jamaica?
South America
Correct answer: The Caribbean
A person who moves from one place to another, predominantly to find work or better living conditions is called a...
Correct Answer: migrant
Showing ignorance means...
Correct answer: showing a lack of knowledge
showing a depth of knowledge
showing very specific knowledge
The use of a sign, word or an image, to communicate a distinct idea is called...
Correct Answer: symbolism, a symbol
A guess that you make or an opinion that you form based on the information that you have is called an...
Correct Answer: inference

6 Questions

A train might symbolise which of the following things?
Correct answer: progress
Correct answer: a journey
a pause
James Berry often wrote about...
Correct answer: the experiences of Caribbean migrants
the experiences of WW1 soldiers
the notion of gender disparity in education
A member of the Religious Society of Friends and devoted to peaceful principles is known as a...
Correct Answer: Quaker
How does the speaker of Berry's 'On an Afternoon Train from Purley to Victoria, 1955' respond to the stranger's mistake?
Correct answer: light-heartedly
with anger
with surprise
Which quotation from 'On an Afternoon Train from Purley to Victoria, 1955' suggests that people often misunderstand the reasons behind migration?
Correct answer: "sunny"
In Berry's 'On an Afternoon Train from Purley to Victoria, 1955', "Purley" and "Victoria" are both in London which perhaps represents that...
London is a particularly popular migrant location
Correct answer: We are all ultimately travelling around the same physical place: Earth
We are all our own personal journeys of growth and knowledge