Year 10

Understanding the poem 'The Jewellery Maker'

I can understand how Parker presents the craft of the jewellery maker.

Year 10

Understanding the poem 'The Jewellery Maker'

I can understand how Parker presents the craft of the jewellery maker.

Lesson details

Key learning points

  1. The craft of the jewellery maker is implied to be precise, focused and potentially dangerous.
  2. ‘The Jewellery Maker’ tells the narrative of an old man who makes beautiful jewellery in the sweltering heat.
  3. The jewellery maker dreams of giving his creations to his wife, but instead they are bought by rich women.

Common misconception

Context has to be a specific historical event or fact.

Considering the themes in the poet's other work is a valuable consideration of context.


  • Deft - neatly skilful and quick in one's movements

  • Craft - an activity involving skill in making things by hand

  • Heritage - the history, traditions, practices, etc. of a particular country, society

  • Marginalised - to be treated as if you are not important, peripheral and isolated

You may wish to spend more time explaining marginalisation.
Teacher tip

Content guidance

  • Depiction or discussion of sensitive content


Adult supervision recommended


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6 Questions

What does a surgeon do?
Correct answer: operate on patients
fly planes
strategise military intelligence
The word 'slap' creates a __________ impression.
Correct answer: negative, violent
warm, positive
neutral, predictable
The history, traditions, practices, etc. of a particular country, society is the...
Correct Answer: heritage
If you have crafted something with your hands then you likely feel...
Correct answer: connected to it
indifferent to it
wary of it
If your only piece of jewellery is 'worn thin' and 'plain' we might assume...
Correct answer: you can't afford more
you could afford more
you don't care about jewellery
Sitting 'straight-backed' implies...
Correct answer: you are paying attention
you are indifferent
you aren't focusing

6 Questions

Which of the following words from Parker's 'The Jewellery Maker' implies an element of danger?
Correct answer: "hot"
In 'The Jewellery Maker', words such as "dance" and "dragonflies" imply a __________ to Parker's jewellery maker.
Correct answer: lightness
contemplative air
In 'The Jewellery Maker', Parker compares the jewellery maker to a surgeon which implies...
Correct answer: we should respect them
we shouldn't respect them
we should fear them
Describing someone as "deft" means...
they are clumsy in their movements
Correct answer: they are skilful in their movements
they are slow in their movements
In Parker's 'The Jewellery Maker', the women who buy the jewellery are described as having...
"wrinkled skin"
Correct answer: "unlined skin"
"powdered skin"
To be treated as if you are not important is to be...
Correct Answer: marginalised