'An Inspector Calls': exploring the character of the Inspector
I can understand the role, presentation and significance of the Inspector.
'An Inspector Calls': exploring the character of the Inspector
I can understand the role, presentation and significance of the Inspector.
These resources will be removed by end of Summer Term 2025.
Lesson details
Key learning points
- Priestley establishes the Inspector as an ominous and imposing presence in Act 1.
- Priestley reveals that the Inspector is not intimidated by class or societal power.
- The Inspector’s interrogation style could be considered unorthodox.
- The Inspector uses emotive and shocking language to provoke strong emotional reactions from the characters and audience.
- There are multiple interpretations to explain the role of the Inspector.
Ominous - suggesting that something bad or threatening is going to happen
Imposing - having a large, impressive, or intimidating appearance
Manipulative - the controlling or influencing of others
Unorthodox - different from what is usual or traditional
Emotive - causing strong emotions or feelings
Common misconception
There is always one clear and deifnite interpretation of a charcater.
Characters can have multiple interpretations based on context, perspective, and evidence in the text. Writers like Priestley create complex characters to provoke debate and reflection.
You will need access to a copy of ‘An Inspector Calls’ by J.B. Priestley, Heinemann 2014 edition.
Content guidance
- Depiction or discussion of discriminatory behaviour
- Depiction or discussion of mental health issues
Adult supervision required
Starter quiz
6 Questions
"portentous" "provincial"
"superior" "cold"
"pretty" "excited" "pleased"
"shy" "assertive"
"massiveness" "purposefulness"
"well-bred" "man-about-town"