Jobs in Arusha, Tanzania
I can use role play to investigate some of the jobs that people do in Arusha.
Jobs in Arusha, Tanzania
I can use role play to investigate some of the jobs that people do in Arusha.
These resources will be removed by end of Summer Term 2025.
Lesson details
Key learning points
- People around the world do many different jobs.
- Arusha’s climate and geographical features affect some of the jobs that people do there.
- Talking to people is one way of finding out about what a place is like.
Job - A job is regular work which is usually paid.
Community - A community is a group of people who all have something in common.
Safari - A safari is a journey on land to watch, photograph or hunt wild animals.
Charity - Charity is offering actions or money to help someone or something in need.
Hot seat - Being in the hot seat means being the person to answer questions being asked by the group.
Common misconception
Learners may have limited knowledge about the jobs that people do.
Spend more time at the start of the lesson discussing the different jobs that people do in the UK.
Starter quiz
6 Questions
houses, businesses and public buildings
a studio