Year 6

People and earthquakes: Turkey, 2023

I can explain that responding to earthquakes involves many different people locally, nationally and internationally.

Year 6

People and earthquakes: Turkey, 2023

I can explain that responding to earthquakes involves many different people locally, nationally and internationally.

Lesson details

Key learning points

  1. The scale of the earthquake in Turkey was huge in terms of land area, settlements and people affected.
  2. Impact responses occur in the short, medium and long term.
  3. Different people and countries respond to an earthquake in different ways.

Common misconception

Shocks of earthquakes only happen once.

Large earthquakes will often have an initial shock and then be followed by a series of aftershocks as the tectonic plates settle.


  • Response - A response is a reaction to something.

  • Aid organisation - Aid organisations are charities that respond to support countries following earthquakes, other natural disasters and wars.

  • DEC - The Disaster Emergency Committee (DEC) brings together charities to provide support for countries affected by earthquakes and other disasters.

  • Aftershock - An aftershock is a smaller earthquake following after an initial larger earthquake.

Research aid organisations to see how they have helped in other earthquakes.
Teacher tip

Content guidance

  • Depiction or discussion of violence or suffering


Adult supervision required


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6 Questions

What is a continent?
Huge pieces of Earth's crust that fit together like a jigsaw
Correct answer: A large area of land containing several countries
The outer most layer of Earth
How many continents are there on Earth?
Correct answer: 7
What continent is Turkey located in?
Correct Answer: Asia
Match the statements to form definitions.
Correct Answer:Tectonic plates are....,huge pieces of Earth's crust

huge pieces of Earth's crust

Correct Answer:Earth's crust is...,the outermost layer of Earth

the outermost layer of Earth

Correct Answer:Earth's mantle is...,the layer beneath the crust and the largest layer of Earth

the layer beneath the crust and the largest layer of Earth

Correct Answer:Earth's inner core is...,the centre of Earth

the centre of Earth

Which of the following statements is true?
Correct answer: Most earthquakes occur at tectonic plate boundaries
Most earthquakes occur randomly all over the world
Earthquakes only occur close to the equator
Earthquakes only occur at country boundaries
7 on the Moment magnitude scale is...
an earthquake not felt by humans
a weak earthquake not to be worried about
a moderate earthquake
Correct answer: a major earthquake with loss of life and extensive damage

6 Questions

Which tectonic plates caused the earthquake in Turkey 2023?
Correct answer: The Anatolian and Arabian plate
The South American and African plate
The North American and Euraisan plate
The Pacific plate and the North American plate
What did the first two earthquakes measure between on the Moment Magnitude Scale?
Correct answer: 7-7.9
A smaller earthquake following after an initial larger earthquake is called an....
Correct Answer: aftershock
Short term responses to earthquakes include....
Correct answer: search and rescue, and providing first aid to those that are injured
providing shelter, food and water to those that need it
rebuilding damaged or destroyed buildings and infrastructure
Long term responses to earthquakes include...
search and rescue, and providing first aid to those that are injured
providing shelter, food and water to those that need it
Correct answer: rebuilding damaged or destroyed buildings and infrastructure
What does DEC stand for?
Correct Answer: Disaster Emergency Committee