Year 6

World food supplies

I can understand and explain reasons why some people don’t have enough to eat and share my opinions about potential actions that can be taken to help end world hunger.

Year 6

World food supplies

I can understand and explain reasons why some people don’t have enough to eat and share my opinions about potential actions that can be taken to help end world hunger.

Lesson details

Key learning points

  1. The causes of insufficient access to food are complex.
  2. Hunger can happen to people all over the world but there are more people going hungry in some countries than others.
  3. There are different ways to take action against hunger; some of these are short-term and some are long-term.
  4. It is important to listen to and consider the viewpoints of others when working in a group.

Common misconception

Difficulty in understanding how different causes overlap to cause hunger.

A consequence chain (see Lesson 5) could be used to investigate the potential impacts of different causes of hunger.


  • Malnutrition - Malnutrition is caused by not having enough of the right foods that your body needs to be healthy

  • Starvation - Starvation is suffering or death caused by having not enough or nothing to eat

  • Climate change - Climate change is a large-scale and long-term change in the planet’s climate, including weather patterns and average temperatures

  • Poverty - Poverty is not having enough money to afford basic human needs such as food, clothing or somewhere to live

Learners could investigate the other Sustainable Development Goals and the action that is being taken to achieve these.
Teacher tip


Scissors required

Content guidance

  • Depiction or discussion of sensitive content


Adult supervision recommended


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6 Questions

Where are cocoa beans found on the plant?
Correct answer: pods
Cocoa beans are grown at low latitudes in climates
Correct Answer: tropical
Fairtrade helps cocoa farmers by...
Correct answer: paying them a fairer wage
Correct answer: improving the working conditions
giving them chocolate
What do these stages of chocolate production involve?
Correct Answer:harvesting,the cocoa pods are cut down

the cocoa pods are cut down

Correct Answer:drying,the beans are dried in the sun

the beans are dried in the sun

Correct Answer:winnowing,the nibs and shells are separated

the nibs and shells are separated

Correct Answer:grinding,the nibs are ground to make a paste

the nibs are ground to make a paste

Correct Answer:moulding ,the chocolate is shaped

the chocolate is shaped

Match the key term with its correct definition.
Correct Answer:supply Chain,every step a product goes through to be made

every step a product goes through to be made

Correct Answer:retailer,people or businesses that sell goods

people or businesses that sell goods

Correct Answer:manufacturer,person or company that makes goods to sell

person or company that makes goods to sell

Decide whether these statements are consequences or solutions for farmers in the cocoa supply chain.
Correct Answer:join a cooperative,solution


Correct Answer:not able to buy seeds to grow ,consequence


Correct Answer:access new training ,solution


Correct Answer:families go hungry,consequence


6 Questions

What is climate change?
Correct answer: large-scale and long-term change in the planet’s climate
the weather forecast
different climate zones
Match the key term to the correct definition.
Correct Answer:malnutrition,not having enough of the right foods that your body needs to be health

not having enough of the right foods that your body needs to be health

Correct Answer:starvation,suffering or death caused by having not enough or nothing to eat.

suffering or death caused by having not enough or nothing to eat.

Correct Answer:poverty,no access to basic human needs such as food, clothing and shelter

no access to basic human needs such as food, clothing and shelter

Which statements correctly describe the Sustainable Development Goals?
Correct answer: there are 17
Correct answer: they reviewed in 2030
they will be reviewed in 17 years
Correct answer: one aim is to reduce global hunger
Which of these are natural disasters?
Correct answer: earthquakes
Correct answer: flooding
traffic Jams
Correct answer: drought
What percentage of the world go to bed hungry?
Correct answer: 10%
Decide whether these are short-term or long-term responses to hunger.
Correct Answer:providing food parcels,short-term


Correct Answer:providing communities with seeds ,long-term


Correct Answer:building a well for a water supply,long-term
