Physical education OCR GCSE
Units (18)
Physical education units
Anatomy and physiology: the musculoskeletal system
Year 10
4 lessons2
Anatomy and physiology: the cardio-respiratory system
Year 10
8 lessons3
Anatomy and physiology: anaerobic and aerobic exercise
Year 10
2 lessons4
Anatomy and physiology: the short and long term effects of exercise
Year 10
3 lessons5
Movement analysis and basic biomechanics
Year 10
3 lessons6
Physical training: health and fitness
Year 10
9 lessons7
Physical training: principles of training
Year 10
3 lessons8
Physical training: methods of training
Year 10
3 lessons9
Physical training: injury and injury prevention
Year 10
2 lessons10
Sport psychology: skill and ability
Year 11
2 lessons11
Sport psychology: goal setting, guidance and feedback
Year 11
3 lessons12
Sports psychology: mental preparation for performance
Year 11
1 lesson13
Socio-cultural influences: engagement patterns
Year 11
4 lessons14
Socio-cultural influences: commercialisation
Year 11
4 lessons15
Socio-cultural influences: ethics and behaviour
Year 11
3 lessons16
Health and well-being: reasons for participation
Year 11
2 lessons17
Health and well-being: diet and nutrition
Year 11
2 lessons18
Exam technique and answering the extended answer questions
Year 11
1 lesson